This guy thinks the crowds opposed to his support of the president were bussed in, so he asks one man for his ID before he will take his question. These guys just don't get that there is genuine opposition to having Obamacare forced upon us. We are not having to bus in outsiders to make this point, unlike them, having to bus in outsiders to show support. Notice the supporters and their carbon copy, printed signs. The union members came well prepared. While this was going on inside, on the outside, the over-flow crowd of protesters (non-supporters) were displaying their own signs. The pro-Obama, rent-a-cop, saw one sign he just didn't like. He told the man holding the sign, in effect, that he wasn't going to allow him his right of dissent, threatening him with charges of whatever he wanted to, if he continued to display it. The protester reminded the rent-a-cop that this was America and his right to display the sign. To which the ignorant, wannabe cop replied "well, it ain't no more". Oh really??? Any other time, those would have been fighting words. Come on Virginia, you have got to vote this congress-critter out.