Friday, September 4, 2009

Rep. Jim Moran asks constituent for ID, says nothing about rent-a-cop's words about "ain't America no more"

Jim Moran (D) Virginia, Elected 1991
This guy thinks the crowds opposed to his support of the president were bussed in, so he asks one man for his ID before he will take his question. These guys just don't get that there is genuine opposition to having Obamacare forced upon us. We are not having to bus in outsiders to make this point, unlike them, having to bus in outsiders to show support. Notice the supporters and their carbon copy, printed signs. The union members came well prepared. While this was going on inside, on the outside, the over-flow crowd of protesters (non-supporters) were displaying their own signs. The pro-Obama, rent-a-cop, saw one sign he just didn't like. He told the man holding the sign, in effect, that he wasn't going to allow him his right of dissent, threatening him with charges of whatever he wanted to, if he continued to display it. The protester reminded the rent-a-cop that this was America and his right to display the sign. To which the ignorant, wannabe cop replied "well, it ain't no more". Oh really??? Any other time, those would have been fighting words. Come on Virginia, you have got to vote this congress-critter out.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rep. John Dingell refers to opposition as KKK members

John Dingell (D)Michigan, Elected 1955:
This career politician has been a Representative longer than any other. He took over from his father, who was there since 1932. Only Sen. Robert Byrd has served in the Congress longer. Now this dingellsaurus ( word), has said his constituents reminded him of the Ku Klux Klan. Maybe he should know, he was around for the Civil Rights Bill, which I've heard he supported. He would have been one of the few Democrats that did. He was opposed to desegregation in his own district, however. He said this in reference to a town hall meeting, here. The best he can do to defend his position is to compare his constituents to the KKK. The pattern is developing here, to attack and call names, of those who oppose your views.
After nearly 80 years, it is time for this dynasty to end.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Democrat double-standard:

Hillary Clinton (D)New York Elected 2000-2009:
"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic..." You may not like the way she said it back in 2003, but you'd be willing to defend to the death her right to say it (well, maybe not her). I wonder if she still feels the same way now. At least she isn't a senator anymore.

From the Democratic National Committee:
We are supposed to forget their organized groups like and the main-stream media? Forget their calls of death to opposition and the last president? I mean, what did Hillary just say in the above sound-bite? I have yet to see any swastikas or hear of anyone calling for these 'protesters' to show up in mass and disrupt any town hall meeting. They will say this, because it is exactly how they would, and do, operate. They are always accusing the opposition of acting in a way, that they have been known to operate. The 'Mob' indeed. They had their right to do so and so do we. Wait until 2010, the 'Mob' will vote all of you out.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What they are saying about our right to dissent:

Barack Obama (D)Illinois, Elected 2004: This was Sen. Obama on the campaign trail, telling his supporters to argue, and get in the face of opposition. Apparently, this is only a one way street. Stay tuned for reactions from others in his party when the tables are turned.

Nancy Pelosi (D)California, Elected 1987:
This is from the Queen, herself. She says the opposition has been showing up at the town hall meetings wearing swastikas. Never mind that none have been shown and you know they would have been shown, if they existed outside her imagination. The closest thing to a protester displaying a swastika was one with a slash through it. I guess Nancy doesn't know what that means. Never mind that it is her party pushing legislation more closely resembling national socialism.

Barbara Boxer (D)California, Elected 1992: Miss Call Me Senator, Not Ma'am, says those attending the town hall fora were too well dressed and too planned. What?? Hey, don't worry Senator, the best coverage was only on Youtube. The national media is on your side and trying to ignore them. Until you outlaw our right to disagree with you, we are going to keep it up. California, time to replace her. I mean, just how are we supposed to dress? As far as planning goes, it looks like you will have one in place for next time, if there is a next time. Also, Florida told you to leave in 2000 because it didn't concern you, at all.

Monday, July 27, 2009

What our leaders have to say about not reading the bills they pass:

Clicking links will go to video of the captioned event.

John Conyers (D)Michigan Elected 1965:
If he w
on't read the 1000 pages of the Health Bill, why is he, or anyone else, who won't read it, needed??? Vote him out Michigan!!! A fine example of why we don't need career politicians. We're not laughing with you.....

Henry Waxman (D)California Elected 1975:
This man was pushing the Cap and Tax Bill and clearly hasn't a clue of what was in it. At 1200 pages (300 more pages were added at 3:00am), no one had read it. At least he admits it. Another career politician not earning his pay. This bill was passed 219-212, so Waxman is not alone on this, there are, at least, 218 more that didn't read the bill and need to be fired in 2010.

Barack Obama (D)Illinois Elected 2004:
This was from, then, Senator-Elect Obama concerning "rushed-bills". Funny how things change. Funny how he is now doing the same thing as the last boss. Goes to show that he has been shown the JFK assassination video taken from the Grassy Knoll. Just like the old boss, he'll be a great puppet.

Arlen Specter (D)Pennsylvania Elected 1980:
Listen to the crowd go wild when he says there was no time to read the bill. Hopefully, this part
y-jumping, lame duck will get retired in 2010. Nice going Pennsyvania!


This photo says a lot about Obama. He invited the 'racist' cop and the 'victim' professor to the White House for a beer. See how Obama left the handicapped professor to fend for himself on the steps. Fortunately, the 'racist' cop was there to help him out. Probably a good indication of how the elderly will fare from Obama and the government run healthcare.

Not an ism, but this belongs, anyway. If this is forged, someone did a better job on it than the Hawaiian certificate. At least they got the signature and seal.
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