Monday, July 27, 2009

What our leaders have to say about not reading the bills they pass:

Clicking links will go to video of the captioned event.

John Conyers (D)Michigan Elected 1965:
If he w
on't read the 1000 pages of the Health Bill, why is he, or anyone else, who won't read it, needed??? Vote him out Michigan!!! A fine example of why we don't need career politicians. We're not laughing with you.....

Henry Waxman (D)California Elected 1975:
This man was pushing the Cap and Tax Bill and clearly hasn't a clue of what was in it. At 1200 pages (300 more pages were added at 3:00am), no one had read it. At least he admits it. Another career politician not earning his pay. This bill was passed 219-212, so Waxman is not alone on this, there are, at least, 218 more that didn't read the bill and need to be fired in 2010.

Barack Obama (D)Illinois Elected 2004:
This was from, then, Senator-Elect Obama concerning "rushed-bills". Funny how things change. Funny how he is now doing the same thing as the last boss. Goes to show that he has been shown the JFK assassination video taken from the Grassy Knoll. Just like the old boss, he'll be a great puppet.

Arlen Specter (D)Pennsylvania Elected 1980:
Listen to the crowd go wild when he says there was no time to read the bill. Hopefully, this part
y-jumping, lame duck will get retired in 2010. Nice going Pennsyvania!


This photo says a lot about Obama. He invited the 'racist' cop and the 'victim' professor to the White House for a beer. See how Obama left the handicapped professor to fend for himself on the steps. Fortunately, the 'racist' cop was there to help him out. Probably a good indication of how the elderly will fare from Obama and the government run healthcare.

Not an ism, but this belongs, anyway. If this is forged, someone did a better job on it than the Hawaiian certificate. At least they got the signature and seal.
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