Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ron Paul: Show Me the Gold

In addition to wanting the Federal Reserve audited, Ron Paul now wants to see the gold at Ft. Knox. He will introduce legislation in the next session to do just that. No one has seen it, no one can get inside to see it. He doesn't think any is there, at least not any large amounts. His reasoning is if the Federal Reserve needs to be abolished, how much gold is in reserves with which to use as backing for new US legal tender?
These things should be easy for a government that is by, for, and of the people. If the Federal Reserve has nothing to hide, open up, and if Ft. Knox is holding gold, open up for a congressional inspection. This can't be too much to ask.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Google Maps Misplaces Lincoln Memorial Before Rally

In a stunt designed to show how afraid the Usurpers of this country are and how deep their corruption is, Google Maps 'relocated' the Lincoln Memorial to the spot where the Roosevelt Memorial is, just before a half million Americans descended on D.C. for a rally honoring M.L.King, Jr and rallying to let the politicians know their days are numbered. I know it isn't a big thing and the two locations are only a 1/2 mile apart, but dirty tricks are dirty tricks. No one liked being on the bad end of Nixon's dirty tricks, when most were exposed.
Just knowing that Google was in on it, really makes me rethink any association I have with them. I already knew they where spying on their users and would turn all information garnered from a user over to the FBI or any other government agency. They make millions on selling search keywords and position on search results. They censor foreign countries' searches at the request of foreign governments. I run a few other websites and use Google Analytics for a lot of information that isn't available on Yahoo or Bing, or any other engine. I just have a hard time believing they are still the top engine for searching on the internet, with that kind of track record. It makes me wonder how many deaths they are responsible for in countries like China.
We all need to abandon this beast on election day, as well.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Poisoned, 300 million other Americans too

I not a fan of Lohan's but live and let live. Why did this make news for Lohan? I've heard more than enough about her. Lohan is doing a good job of poisoning herself, hopefully she is learning. The real and ignored issue is that most Americans are being poisoned just from their municipal drinking water. The addition of flouride is not helping anyone's dental health. It is a known toxin, read the warning on your tube of toothpaste, concerning ingestion. The containers of flouride the municipal water company uses are marked with a skull and crossbones.
This is something that needs to be addressed, instead of talking about adding lithium to the water, to calm us all down. 300 million Americans includes most of us. More information on this story or look into prison planet or infowars. Visit and watch some eye-opening videos at liberty rising network.

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