Monday, March 14, 2011

2nd reactor explodes in Japan - main stream media mysteriously silent

March 14, 2011 Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Plant exploded in true Chernobyl fashion, blowing the containment structure and equipment 1000 feet into the sky, the mushroom cloud rose at least 3 times higher. This was a different structure than the previous meltdown.
The area had reported radiation levels 100 times normal (?) in the aftermath of the quake. Most amazing, though, was the total lack of concern by the mainstream media. I can only hope that the survivors were evacuated before the predicted explosion occurred.
Alex Jones was the only person discussing this event today on his radio show. I did a google search on: nuclear explosion japan earthquake, and was surprised to see only one mention on the first page, and it linked to a video that was posted on Youtube. You can view it below, if it doesn't get 'pulled' for showing the truth. Skip to 0:50 for the explosion.

This is the type of news we get now-a-days. They are all in cahoots with the corrupt gangsters who have stolen our government. The media effectively says 'all is well, go back to sleep'. Well, all is not well. Nuclear fallout is heading for our west coast and nary a word is said. People research potassium iodide. Get some, especially, if you live on the west coast. More and more are waking up and are pissed at what has been allowed to pass as acceptable in this country.

More articles at Infowars.

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